There are several different kinds of web hosts out there that each offer a variety of hosting packages, aimed at individuals and businesses alike. They tend to have a lot of features in common, such as FTP uploads, PHP + MySQL support, uptime guarantees, and so on. But one aspect in which they differ is price. Especially for those on a budget, or those simply looking for personal hosting, the monthly cost can make or break the prospect of using a certain web host. But with the sheer amount of web hosts available, how do you know which one to pick? How do you know whether a company is trustworthy?
A Solution
Thankfully, there are some websites that go through many of the cheap web hosting available and aggregate it into a single list, letting you see side-by-side the prices of each service, a few of the features that they offer, and the editors rating on a scale from 1 to 10. It’s a very comprehensive overview of what’s out there, and is an excellent buying guide so that you don’t end up spending money on low-quality service. Things like reliability and speed are just as important when it comes to deciding whether you should spend your hard-earned cash on them.
Thorough Review
We look at several different aspects of each web host to determine how it ranks among others. One is, of course, reliability. This is perhaps one of the most important things to look for in a web host. If it’s cheap but ends up having frequent downtime, it’s probably not worth your money if you value uptime. So, to this end, we look at the average uptime of all the web hosts we review, so you can be sure that a high-ranking host will have fantastic uptime.
Another important aspect of any web host is customer support. If you’re going to be paying monthly for web hosting, it’s important that you can talk to someone if something goes wrong, or you can’t figure out how to do something. Some hosts offer extensive documentation that you’re free to read, but they should all have a way to file a trouble ticket or have an email address that you can send your concerns to.
And of course, price is a pretty important aspect as well. As we mention on our site, a web host being expensive doesn’t mean that it’s good. You have to look at the whole picture, such as aspects we mentioned so far as well as everything else we mention on the site. And just the same, a super-cheap host may have strings attached such that you need to pay more for basic features that other web hosts include in their price.
Look Around
The best way to find good and cheap hosting is to do your research and keep in mind everything that you want out of the service. Our guide will certainly help you quite a bit, but in the end it’s up to you as to which company you decide to give your money to.